Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Reporting LIVE from the Chemistry Building!!

That's right, readers, you read right! The Chemistry building thankx to CSU's awesome wireless internet networking skills! It's funny that my desktop should show some random pictures with none other than the verse Romans 1:20 on there... hmm...

Anyway, I thought it was cool. I'm waiting for a premedica meeting to start in about 1/2 and hour and yeah. So, what should I write now? Well, it's just weird that I'm in a building where I'm all over this whole God is Cool thing, and everyone's like "Huh? What? God?" and sometimes I have a tendancy to feel all alone. Then I'm like, 'I shouldn't feel all alone because God is with me.' But then I'm like, 'But Christians are in the minority.' But then I think about the US demographics and think that can't be logical because the majority of the US attends church. But the nation doesn't show it by its overall fruit. Should we just assume that if people don't do it OUR way (aka the GCM or whatever Church sub - organization I am in) that it is not legit? Just because another culture is different, do we automatically assume that they need Jesus? Do the Christians that go all out feel all alone because they are so few? If so, should we judge that people that are 'complacent' don't know Christ?

Questions questions, well my Premedica meeting is calling! Blood and guts and drugs, oh my!! And to think the Great Physician was the Author of it all, woo hoo!

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