So, today is KT's birthday (woo hoo!) I had an awesome thought from God! It related earthly attachment and the parent - child interactions to spiritual attachment and God - child interactions.
Right.... here goes!
At birth we all have been incubating for 9 months inside the womb being provided with nutrients and other things from the mother's diet. The parent(s) mentally have been gearing up for our births and when we are born, they enter into a relationship with us. We either become securely or insecurely attached - we either feel safe and happy around our parents or we don't. This is influenced by quite a few things some of which are parenting style, circumstances outside of everyone's control, and the quailty of emotional interactions with the parent and child. This sets the stage for our development through the rest of infancy, toddlerhood, and into adulthood.
In a fallen world, so much can go wrong, and the vast amounts of intervention programs and yet - to - be - developed programs show that we have become distanced from each other because of our initial distancing from God.
However, God brought us back. Surprisingly, I think the process of our spiritual rebirth has some strong paralells to our physical birth only better!
Before we were Christian, God was feeding us and nourishing our hearts with curisities about Him, putting people in our lives that would show His presence and maybe give us those few verses from the Bible - thus, our pre - Christian 'milk and nourishment.' He developed our heart - from simple to complex thinking about Him to get it to the point where we could accept Him or not. God chose us before the Creation of the world, so He prepared for us to come into His presence.
Once we are Born Again, God truly does become our Abba (though some of us have to be taught that later), and we really do form an attachment to Him through His spirit and through relating to Him through prayer. I truly believe that though this attachment like so many others can be influenced by our first parental attachments - meaning that if one felt unsafe or unhappy with his or her parents, they may feel unsafe or unhappy with his or her teachers. However, God promises HImself as a solid Rock to attach to and our Anchor for our Souls (Hebrews 12?) Anyway, we have to walk in that faith to trust Him more and more and through this He will truly become our Refuge and Stregnth. This attachment will affect the rest of our walk with God - both here in this life and in the next. This bond is the Attachment that all other earthly attachments are a mere shadow of. This is the Attachment that was first broken, but the one that was redeemed by Jesus Christ.
I love you Katie and I love seeing the world through your eyes