Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Combinations of Intelligence, Pride, and Love

Or otherwise titled: Being Smart versus Being a Smart Ass (especially around my mom) 

Yeah! SO,  I'm at home. Wait! I said that already in this blog :D I'm also learning about the book of James at church. James could also be titled: Evidences of Faith as lived out in a Christian's Life: The Practicals 

One very VERY practical thing I'm learning is that I need to work on not being a smart-ass. Sometimes I am around Mom just because it's my way of saying, "Mom! Get off my back! I've lived on my own before!" My intelligence is something that I can 'hang my hat on' so to speak when I don't have much else: when I don't have a job, when I'm back at Mom's house, etc. I sort of find something tangible to stand on to not feel like a looser, basically. However, intelligence as a source of pride is obviously a bad thing. 

1 Corinthians 8:1 says, "Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up." James 3 is mainly about watching what you say. 

When interacting with my mom, I can combine intelligence with either pride or love. 

Intelligence + Pride = Katie being a smart ass. 

This is the, "I'm smarter than you / I've lived on my own and you putting a cramp in my independence" mentality. This is just eye-rolling and making semi-snide remarks when she says something that I don't agree with or something. 

Intelligence + love = Katie letting God love through her

This is the, "Hey, Mom, I appreciate your imput..." or "Hey, mom, let me help you patiently with the internet or whatever you need help with.." It's not denying my intelligence or past independence, but it's first and foremost loving. Obviously, this is the best choice, but I can fall into the other one if I just am only thinking of myself first, and not realizing that my home is a mission field - not just a place where I can stay for a year without paying rent. 

God, I pray You will remind me through Your word to value love first more specifically love for You, love for the lost, love for Your people. I pray that this love will infiltrate the other aspects of my life, character, and the way my brain works (intelligence). God, I pray others see You through my life :) I know that I need to humbly ask for Your grace to change me and to discipline me to do that. Amen.

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