Sunday, March 05, 2006

Humanism makes me spew II (the rant)

So, I did a thing on my other blog that I deleted entitled "Humanism makes me spew." It was about how an article said that the problem to the solution of the void left by fatherlessness could be filled by just loving yourself. Yeah. Right :( Because I tried solving that problem by my own means, but only God could help me. So then we start again... Humanism makes me spew II

I just got done reviewing an article about how 'evolutionary psychology' could explain the need for the belief in the supernatural. Yeah right. All it showed that we are PROGRAMED, yes, I said PROGRAMED because were designed for our God whom we must all answer to....

I swear, humanism makes me spew because it just says that man is everything, and he is NOT. Man needs a savior because guess what guess what!!! We fell during the Fall. Oh, and guess what, the garden of Eden is really real. DID YOU GUYS HEAR ME???? IT'S REALLY REAL!!! And, Guess what, you guys! Your reduction to the supernatural to just this comfy feeling we have dishonors the HOLY GOD that made the UNIVERSE.

By the way, I'm ranting. I will post an update to this later, but right now I really just want to rant. Really badly. So, I'm ranting. I mean, if the supernatural was just a comfort to me, it would've all gone out the window when my two relatives died within 12 mos of each other. I would've given up. I would've gone atheist. But I know that there is solid evidence for God in Creation and in the historacity of the Bible, so to say that this is just a comfy fuzzy story we made up and had 'programmed by chance' in our brain is just CRAP. Just pure crap, and God knows it.

Thus ends my rant, and thus begins my next phase of study time :-/ Yay!

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