Friday, March 10, 2006

Reporting live from the Chemistry Building II

WHen I started this post, I was in here to ask if my professor got that networking letter I had sent him, but he wasn't in his office. So I sat down and worked on my paper some more. That was on Monday. Today is now 3/10/06. I aasked him by e - mail if he got the document and he said he did.

Now, I'm going back in there to tell him about this article about evolution that I did a paper on since we discussed it earlier. I have this fear of going up there still. A part of me still sees him as this intimidating mean prof guy. In a way, that side of me was epxressed as a protecting factor to protect myself against other thoughts that were quite different, but needed to be kept hidden. So, both these lines of thinking have to be erased, replacing them with the thought that here is a lost soul that has been gifted with intellegence and the ability to teach. Here is a soul that God has poured out His blood to save, and is doing everything He can to reach him. This is a soul who, without acknowleging God as being real and being his Savior will be gone from God forever some day.

I was listening to a song on Way FM whose refrain goes, "You can't say that we are alone anyore / we are anything else / we are anything else / 'cause Love is here / 'cause Love is here / with me now." I thought about that a lot and it has been in my head all morning. The song's premise is that beecause Jesus came down as man, the separation or 'veil' between God and mankind has been torn and we can now enter into His Holy place via His Son's blood. I thought about it further and it could also mean that because there is so much evidence for God (Romans 1:20, the Flood etc.), we can't say we are alone because it is evident that He is with us.

That got me thinking: People have to believe that God is really there before they can place their trust in Him as their Savior. In this particular caase, my professor does not believe God is there. Which is why, I think, God is not letting ID be put far from the minds of the scientific community. God is showing His presence whether they like it or not.

Back to this: So why is it hard for me to talk to him about ID? Why is it so hard for me to keep the reality of God in the back of his mind, by bringing it up when God leads me to? Why? Am I afraid? Is it because I do not know truth? Maybe. I need to walk in that truth - that God wants him to know He is real, and He can use a broken person like me to do it.

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