Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Choir Small Group!!!!!!!!

What? Tso blog posts in onenight? Well, I couldn't post actually on Saturday (technical difficulties), but I can hopefully post this second entry without any ssues:

I'm part of choir at Southeast Christin church!!!!!! Sharon is in choir with me along with my Bri-Bri!!!!!! We all get to worship God in song and study His Word evry week! I asked the choir director if I could be in Sharon's group and she will let me know!!! Squeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

I There we both are with our choir name tags!!! Squeeeee!

Go Girl Time!!!

Saturday Sept. 20:

I'm waiting for Sharon, a friend from church / choir at Park Meadows food court. We are having giiiiiirl tiiiiime!!!!! It feels like old times when Imhad girl time with another friend at Summitview :) I'm so happy to have girl time because it's familiar and how I grew spiritually at Summitview :)

Each friendship will be new and different and I am looking forward to Sharon and my friendship not just being a mentor role friendship but two ladies doing life together :) I want to learn from her and I pray she is encouraged by me as well :)

Yay! She's here! Let the talking and giggling begin!!!

Friday, September 05, 2014

Legally A New Me!!!!!


I am eating a yummy sandwich at a Brugger's by the Arapahoe County DMV. I tried going to another DV, but they didn't issue Colorado ID's. A walk and light rail ride later, I ended up at another DMV and yet another document shall be issued with my...MARRIED NAME!!! SQUEEEEEEEEK!!!!

Yup! A new me :)

Do I feel different? Well mmmaybe. I have to get used to introducing myself with my married last name. As more and more documents have my new name, I get used to the new me :)


A larger question is how is my identity forming as a wife? Do I only compare myself to other friends when they were newlyweds or do I ask God how He wants me to help my new husband? More importantly! I must realize that my identity is still in Christ. That hasn't changed and that identity rather my identity as Boaz's wife should be my foundation.