Tuesday, July 05, 2011

This is a real child

This is a picture of Caylee Anthony - as posted by Fox News. Today I read news articles on the verdict of her mother Casey Anthony's trial. She was found not-guilty for this child's murder.

The thing that hurts more than the fact that someone could have gotten away with her murder is the media frenzy and public eye frenzy regarding her murder.

This is a real child. If she came into my world, she would probably be in the 2.5 year old room at Summitview, maybe a bit clingy to her mother or grandmother as they pinned the plastic visitor nametag on her back. If she liked reading, she might calm down in my lap or a helper's lap if we offered to read her a book. She probably drank milk in that sippy cup in her picture, and maybe was to the age where she could try and drink out of 'grown-up' cups. She probably threw tantrums in Target or the grocery store, but she also probably was proud of pictures she could draw with big crayons.

In a news report I read, people flocked to the court-room to watch and people even traveled from out of state to listen to the trial live. It makes me feel sad, and sometimes it even makes me feel angry if I think too much about people forgetting that behind the evidence, behind the anticipation of wondering whether Casey Anthony was guilty, there is a child. There was a child.

Little Caylee will never learn to write her name. She may have learned the alphabet and count, but she will never learn to read or do basic math. She will never grow up to fit in a grown-up chair or drink from a grown-up cup  consistently. She may have dreamed about being a princess and dressed up as one, but she will never go to prom or a school dance. She will always be 2, but she will never grow up and develop to achieve the dreams her grandparents or even her mother may have had for her. She's gone and someone may have murdered her and now gotten away with it. I don't know how many people will remember this in all the hype and that makes me sad.


Anonymous said...

hey lady! great article. i think that mom knew what happened and perhaps might have been a part of it. Only god will know what happened to that lovely child. I never did watch the news reports or read the articles because I do have a little girl around her age. If a lady doesn't want to have a child- she should figure that out long time before getting busy in bed! I have been amoung children for many years. I think that they are gifts from god and that they need to be treated as such. I know of an instance at my old job where the mom and dad got the children taken away because they were fighting and the children weren't safe. That breaks my heart every time I think about it.
I think justice will be served for the PERson or people that did this evil thing to a wonderful child! If the mom didn't want the child she should have given her to someone who would have treated her as such!
Ok i will get off my soap box and shut my mouth- and hope that makes sense!

Jenni Lyn said...

Great article, Katie. The whole thing is just so horribly heartbreaking.

My thoughts:

Listening to K-Love today. Scott and Kelly mentioned that unless everyone was 100% sure that she did the crime, then it was a good thing to be found not guilty. They spoke about how horrible it would be if an innocent paid for another's crime.

But, who ever did it, did not get away with it. We have a Judge who sees all and knows all. This crime will be paid in full, either by Christ's dead or by an eternal punishment. Our justice system is unable to punish corretly anyway and punishment will come to the one responsible in God's time.

In addition, Caylee is now sitting with Jesus...maybe even at a table (for He has a table spead for us), and is learning to drink out of a 'grown-up cup'. Besides, Jesus is a much better parent than her mom ever could be...even if her mom happened to be the best parent on the planet (although, she was clearly not).

Justice is in Christ's hands, but more importantly, so is Caylee.