The song is talking about Christ coming to earth, and isn't that the crux of everything else related to our faith?
I was listening to this song while working on my other blog (Yes, Katie started ANOTHER blog) and I was writing a 'tell your life's story' post and I realized that when my circumstances took a shift, God's sovereignty met my life. Heaven and Earth collided. God is always with us and always working out His plans, but sometimes He does something that seems weird or something and you look back later and say, "Wait... WHAT??? What just happened???"
For instance, a malnourished infant with bad eyesight and exposure to Hepatitis B (and who may have survived measles and meningitis at this point) was transferred from a government orphanage to a nonprofit orphanage. She was in a particular one run by a particular agency that created her file as a child available for adoption. Heaven met earth because a woman would walk into said adoption agency, look at that particular file, take a leap of faith, and ultimately bring this little girl home to be her daughter. In that child's life, Heaven and Earth collided during that transfer between orphanages.
We hear about Heaven and Earth colliding when people say these things in stories:
"And somehow at just the right time ..."
"I just got this feeling.... something told me to..."
"I sat by this person who just happened to be..."
"If I hadn't gone through.... I wouldn't have...."
"Going through .... helped me to..."
So why does God throw in these wild turns in people's lives? To keep the universe interesting? So everything works out in the end? That can be true, but there is a greater reason beyond things working out in our lives. Sometimes Heaven and Earth collide, but that meeting don't necessarily bring material good or success. Sometimes people just get through the struggle of life and they somehow know that they have the strength to make it through hard times. Sometimes people go through hard things and they are desperate for hope, so they seek it out. In that, Jesus reaches to them through His work and through His people. Heaven and Earth collide to show people Christ and point people to Him.
Heaven and Earth collide
Savior for everyone has come
Bringing the dead to life
All for the glory of Your Name
By His stripes are healed
By His death we can live
In Jesus' Name
In Jesus Name
All oppression shall cease
Every captive released
In Jesus' name
In Jesus' name