Tonight I fixed dinner for my stepson and I while my Bri-Bri was in class. This wasn't my first time getting a meal together for Daniel and I because I have spent the day or evening with him while Bri-Bri did his internship last fall.
Anyway, as I sat down with my dinner, Daniel held out his hands for us to pray. I prayed for our dinner and thanked God for the day and added a little prayer request for my mom since she was recovering from a minor illnesss.
As we ate, we talked about random things. Afer Daniel ate, he played on his Wii. I watched him while doing dishes and I thought more about his gesture for us to pray together. Being the observant 10 year old he is, he probably notices that I like it when my Bri-Bri prays for us and we hold hands.
Maybe Daniel wanted us to pray because that was the normal thing we all did before dinner.
Maybe he wanted to because he knew that I enjoyed praying and holding his and Bri-Bri's hand.
Maybe he wanted to connect with God.
Of course, his reasons could be a mix of all three. Even if he sees prayer as routine or as something that makes his stepmom smile, he still willingly joins Bri-Bri and/or I as we approach God in prayer.
The song "Before the Throne of God Above" came to my head, specifically the version from Shane and Shanes "Pages". As I thought about it, I smiled. Daniel, like his namesake, comes before the throne room of God. Even though he tells us that sometimes he doesn't think God is real and that is why he finds church a bit boring, he sees that we value praying. And I believe that God is tugging on his soul even if he is unaware of it. As one doesn't simply walk into Mordor, one cannot simply walk into the throne room of God and not be afffected.
Daniel's gesture tonight of wanting me to pray for our meal encouraged me to continue praying that God would reveal Himself more and more to Daniel. I pray that each time Daniel approaches God in prayer - from simple mealtimme prayers to prayers about his family to his own wondering about God - that God becoomes more real. I pray that Daniel sees God as the Magnificent Savior and Creator on His Throne, and that he knows he can approach that throne with grace and mercy because that King sympathizes with us and gives us grace in our weaknesses.
I pray that Daniel will one day approach the throne of God and declare that Christ is his Savior.
Before the throne of God above
I hae a strong and perfect plea
A great high priest who's name is love
Who ever lives and pleads for me
My name is graven on his hands
My name is written on his heart
I know that while in heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart
Hallelujah Halleujah
Praise the One
Risen Son of God