Monday, November 28, 2005

Happy Post-Thanksgiving!

Borrowed that from Edwin -The Ghost Blogger. Anyway, yeah, Thanksgiving was cool. I typed up a 100 things that I'm thankful for - something that Abra did last year :) and realized that a little over one third of it is purely praises to God and I know that all the other things are His blessings. Mom looked at the list and was like, "I'm number FIVE???" I think she was kinda dissapointed :( but, I told her that the first four were just about one Person, and she was like, "Oh." I don't know if she'll read it. She asked me what I was writing and I told her and she wanted to see it. At first I was like, "Whoa. She's going to be like 'what?!' when she sees how much I talk about God." Then I realized that I have to have that courage to just 'live out loud' like the Stephen Curtis Chapman song. So, I gave her the list and I think she kinda looked at it. It's so weird how I can live out my faith just fine around my fellow Believers, but it takes a bit more courage among non - believers because I know I might get shamed or something around them. But I do it because God wants me to and He will get glory and it's His way of showing that He is real.

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