Saturday, June 26, 2010

He is Exalted

Exalt: to raise in rank, power, or character; to elevate by praise or in estimation (glorify)

Througout Israel's history kings and rulers are described as being exalted – raised up by God usually by being appointed king or by having some sort of victory. The Word is clear when a king's exaltation was from God. Whenever a king exalted himself outside of God's will, dire consequences resulted. David laments that his enemies exalt over him, thus they view themselves as having a greater power or character than David. This exaltation of kings culminates in the exaltation of the King of Kings – Jesus. The Father appointed Him over all things (Col 1) and He humbled Himself to die on the cross to redeem Creation which He will rule over when it's His time.

In a fallen world, we exalt ourselves by our accomplishments. We also condone sin (exalt or praise it). Certain sins are especially esteemed in certain cultures and sub-cultures that take pride in going against tradition or God's Word. For example, in this culture relativism is prized above someone saying that he/she has absolute Truth. Even in academia where the scientific method is still based in the philosophy that there is a Truth that we must find, relativism is valued as a concept to be taught to students.

All this background on exaltation validates my thoughts that I've had about the Shane & Shane song "He is Exalted." I've been listening to this song repeatedly as I've undergone my recent assessment. God has made it clear that He is to be elevated above my accomplishments and strengths that are shown through this process as well as be the power that drives me in spite of the weaknesses that I have. He has used me to speak Truth to my evaluator and He is reminding me that my worth is not in falling somewhere in the bounds or normal or near-normal, but my worth is in Christ alone. Any accomplishments I have in spite of my limitations are from Christ, and it is Christ who will use my limitations to help or inspire other people. This indeed is humbling, and I pray that He always reminds me of this Truth.

He is exalted / The King is exalted on high

And I will praise Him

He is exalted / Forever exalted

And I will praise His name

For He is the Lord

Forever His Truth shall reign

Heaven and earth

Rejoice in His holy name

He is exalted / the King is exalted on high


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