Nerdy and "Hearty" Bible Studies!
I'm studying 2 Corinthians again! We studied it in the Cole/Kaan Team. That was fun. I used my ESV bible on my PHONE! :) Yeah. I was all proud of myself because Mitch had just switched Summitview over to ESV.
ESV makes me feel like a nerd. In a good way. I enjoy seeing concepts come together. That's why I like being an HDFS major. Because SO MANY DEVELOPMENTAL and SOCIOLOGICAL concepts overlap and it's AWESOME.....
ahem.... Anyway....
One thing I have a bad habit of is nerding out in Bible studies and completely forgetting it's about God and I talking about life as well as theology. Actually, more accurately, Bible study is God and a Christian's relationship deepening as the Christian comes to understand theological concepts which really mean that the Christian understands God more.
I wasn't purely nerdy in the Cole-Kaan Team. Ok... I was a NERD, but I still shared my feelings which was good :)
I think going to the NLT will break me out of just being a nerd and actually getting my emotions or 'heart' engaged in my Quiet Times. My brain and heart will work together to understand God better! :) Woot!
I have found the NLT very helpful for un-nerding myself, when I really need to see a passage hit my heart rather than my head. Still love the ESV, though. Sorry about the conflict on the thread on Facebook. :(
Eh, no big dealio w/ people fighting over a thread on The Face. I still got some good info. Yeah, people flip out a lot 'bout stuff.
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