Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Fractured mind solid soul

This whole school year has been ups and downs. I've had a lot to go through, and at the UCC, the conunselor said that my mind was just having a rough time with it. She thinks that some of the stuff is locked away in what I call a seperate file cabinet that is hard to get at and in a sense my mind is split between the realities of daily life now and having to navigate that 'file cabinet of stuff' that contains these past 12 month's trials, but some may go way back.

Anyway, if my mind is split between these things, my soul is still solid. I remember even in the middle of these trials, I was able to reach for God and praise Him for who He is. It's like my brain is restless and fractured because of all this, but because God restores my soul, that has remained whole.

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