Saturday, January 26, 2013

Q and A About this Boaz Guy

What??????!!!!!!!???!! Katie met a Christian guy and is going out with him???? Yup. The Facebook (TwitFace) rumors are true, folks!

So what follows is a Q and A!!

Where did you meet this Boaz guy?

Sometimes we tell people we met online. Other times we tell people Light Rail. It all depends if the listener would get freaked out by the idea of dating on the Internets.

What's he like?

Like Boaz of course!!! No, he's a dork for sure. Totally not afraid to act goofy, but he's genuine about his faith and his life and his relationship with God. Oh, he's not bad looking either. Tall white guy - no like really really tall. Um - God snagged little me a 6 footer. How old is said fly white guy? Um... About 10 + years older.

What stuff does he do?

Well his main passion is singing in choir in his church and helping out with children's choir and children's ministry - SSSSSSQQQQQQQQUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!!!!!!! He has a nice singing voice :):):):):):):) Eeeeek! Oh and he pays the bills by working at a mortgage company.

So how long exactly have you known each other?

Three weeks. One thing is that we both were straight up with each other about our faith and life. Like we didn't play the "impress the other person" game. We have said, "This is who God made me and what He has taught me and what He is teaching me." And apparently we both dug what we saw!! Heeee heeeee!!!

Does he know you're on the autism spectrum?

Yup. He digs and understands thar part of me too!! And I know he's a giant dork. It's great!!!!

What sort of accountability do you both have?

Glad you asked, Summitview peeps!!! I have my Christian friends at Hope Crossing, current and former Summirviewers! On his side he has his choir / Bible study group at his church.

First date?

Starbucks and noodles and co.

Second Date:

Mimi's Cafe!

Do you guys have 'your song' yet???

Um no - maybe? Possibly it's Gangham Style. We did walk Gangham Style across a Light Rail bridge on the first date. Yes, Boaz started it!!!!

Oh, but we have our CD!!!! Burning Lights CD!!! IT WAS SO AWESOME to genuinely worship TOGETHER with that CD and - AAAAAAGH HOW COOL IS THAT?????????????? Worshiping our Creator on the second date!!!!!!

Anything else?

Um no. Oh wait yes! He scored mega awesome Ye Olde Blogger's Mom points by waiting with me at Mimi's Cafe for Access A Ride!! Like Mom thought that was awesome!! And shows his Godly manly character that I had told her about.

How can your Christian friends be praying for you two??

Also glad you asked! That we'd learn how to support each other in school and work. Oh yes, he's going to school to be a counselor. :) um, also just that we'd continue keeping God first, that God would use our (eeek) story to tell others about Himself and ultimately share His Gospel, that I would learn how to support Boaz and Boaz would learn more how to lead like Christ leads the church. He's doing a good job with that by the way I'd you were wondering!!!

Thanks for reading :)


2xA Ron said...

I laughed SO hard when I read that he was 6' tall. Yup, that seems like God's sense of humor, alright!

2xA Ron said...

Also, I will be praying. God bless you two! :)